Epidemeiology of Burns in Peadiatric Patients in Pakistan: A Systemic Review


  • Laiba Arooj House officer Burn Care Center, PIMS, Islamabad
  • Sidra Kausar House officer Burn Care Center, PIMS, Islamabad
  • Muhammad Rehan Post Graduate Trainee Burn Care Center, PIMS, Islamabad
  • Tariq Iqbal Head of Department Burn Care Center, PIMS, Islamabad
  • Qurra tul Ain Post Graduate Trainee Burn Care Center, PIMS, Islamabad
  • Usman Waheed Assistant Professor, Allied Health Sciences, IMDC, Islamabad




Burns are graded as the fourth most common trauma type globally followed by other traumas including accidents, interpersonal violence and falls. South Asian regions account for 187- 243 incidences of burns in adults per hundred thousand annually. Moreover, about 22.5% of all burns occur in children and youth. 42% of those in children between the ages of 5 to 16 years old. Whereas Pakistan lacks national data and cannot measure the burn burden annually. Due to the lack of clinical and epidemiological studies on burns in pediatrics patients in Pakistan, we performed this study. This systemic review study aimed at summarizing available Pakistan’s epidemiological data, based on national studies in the past 32 years. The data of our systemic review were collected from six search engines, i.e. PubMed, Google Scholar, PakMediNet, Scopus, Springer and DOAJ. The studies which were reviewed for the article were from 1990 to 2022. The articles of nonhuman participants, duplication and lacking in primary focus were excluded. The PRISMA guidelines were used. A total of 11 articles were included out of which 4 are from Islamabad ICT, 2 from Sindh, 1 from Balochistan and 4 from Punjab. The overall gender ratio shows male dominance of 55.83 %. Scald burn were recorded at a higher percentage of 48.7%. The mean TBSA recorded in this research was 17%. The mean mortality rate of all the studies shows a percentage of 14.84%. More research studies are needed to be done in the areas lacking information about the victims of burn injuries so that policymakers know the actual figure of the injuries with whom they have to deal.






Systematic Reviews