Pre-analytical Quality Assurance; An Important Milestone to be Achieved


  • Shehla Ambreen Alizai Islamabad Medical and Dental College
  • Lubna Ehtizaz Assistant Professor, Chemical Pathology,Wah Medical College, NUMS, Islamabad
  • Ambreen Ansar Associate Professor of Community Medicine,Wah Medical College, NUMS, Islamabad
  • Saba Khilji Demonstrator Pathology, IMDC
  • Maleeha Saad Assistant Professor Haematology, HBS, islamabad
  • Ayesha Ali Associate Professor Histopathology, HBS



Awareness,, nurses, knowledge, doctors, specimen collection.


Objective: To assess the knowledge of junior doctors and nurses about proper collection, storage and dispatch of pathology specimens to the laboratory.

Methodology: This was a cross sectional questionnaire-based study conducted at Dr. Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital (DANTH), Islamabad and Pakistan Ordinance factories (POF) Hospital Wah from Jan-June 2023. Hard copy of questionnaire with 29 questions regarding sample collection related to Hematology, Microbiology, Chemical pathology and Histopathology was given to junior doctors and nurses.  Total 171 responses were received from junior doctors and nurses of both hospitals. Hundred participants were from DANTH and 71 from POF hospital.

Results: Fifty-eight nurses (34%) and one hundred thirteen doctors (66%) – mainly house officers and postgraduate trainees filled the questionnaire.  Data was analyzed with SPSS 21.0 to calculate the percentages of correct answers. Overall, the knowledge was poor with mean score of 9.8 (35%) ranging from 5-17 for doctors and 5-14 for nurses. There was statistically no significant difference (V=12.134, df=12, p=0.435) in the knowledge of doctors (X? =9.98 ± 2.4) and nurses (X?=9.5 ± 2.3). However, in Clinical Chemistry and Histopathology doctors had slightly better knowledge than nurses.

Conclusion: This study showed lack of knowledge in nurses and junior doctors regarding proper sampling. It seems appropriate that medical students and paramedics should get an awareness about sample collection as part of their curriculum to avoid extra workload on the laboratory as well as proper management of patients.






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