Burnout in Health Professionals in Context of Covid-19 Pandemic






Objective: This research study was carried out to see the severity of burnout, identify the factors leading to its origin and give recommendations for its prevention to save the health of our white army.

Methodology: This descriptive study was carried out at RMU from 16th June to 15th August 2020. A total of 50 actively working health personnel were selected by convenient sampling (non- probability). The instrument, Maslach inventory was used for scoring of burnout. It has three psychometric sub scales, Emotional Exhaustion (Total score 0-18), Depersonalization (Total score 0-18), and Personal Accomplishment (Total score 0-18). Higher the score of EE (Emotional Exhaustion) and DP (Depersonalization) more the burnout while higher the score of PA (Personal Accomplishment) less the burnout. P-value was set at 0.05. Pearson test was used for categorical data and t-test for numerical data to see the significance.

Results: Total of 50 health personnel (n=50) were included in the study. There were 52% females and 48% male health personnel. The mean age was 31±7.52 years. Mean working hours per week were 54±18.18 hours. Mild burnout was seen in 14% according to EE sub scale, in 22% according to DP subscale and in 18% according to PA sub scale. Moderate burnout was found according to EE subscale in 64% health personnel, in 54% according to DP sub scale and 60% according to PA sub scale. Overall mean scores for three sub scales of burn out were Emotional Exhaustion =11.44±3.11, Depersonalization = 9.24±3.99 and Personal Accomplishment =11.72±2.74. Relationship between the risk factors and mean scores of sub scales of burnout was found statistically significant.  

Conclusion: Burnout was found in 58-64% of health care personnel of RMU with mild to moderate grade. This study identified female gender, young age, lengthy working hours and stressful intensive care work place as risk factors leading to development of burnout syndrome. Dimension of mental health of medical personnel is as important as the prevention and treatment aspect of a recent pandemic.






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